Whilst a character’s Health in Hack100 reflects short-term variations in their physical and mental wellbeing, some games rely on tracking the longer-term deterioration of adventurers as they confront things that are best left alone. This includes the loss of sanity in horror games as characters are exposed to traumatic events or cosmic threats. It also covers the physical or spiritual corruption that results from dabbling in the darker arts.
Category: Health
Health: Loss, Recovery & Death
Loss of Health
In Hack100, there are two main ways in which a character can lose Health:
- From physical damage, e.g. through combat, falling, or some other mishap.
- Through the draining effects of using an unusual, “supernatural”, Specialism, e.g. magic, berzerking, shapeshifting, etc. For clarity, we will refer to these unusual Specialisms as “Powers“.

Having looked at character Abilities and Specialisms in the last two blogs, the only remaining numerical parameter that Hack100 uses to define a character is “Health”.
Other d100 games tend to separate-out a character’s physical condition (typically quantified by Hit Points or similar) from their magical resources (e.g. Power Points or Magic Points). The 3rd Edition of RuneQuest even introduces a third resource, Fatigue Points, that quantifies how tired a character is. In Hack100, we will streamline all of these aspects into a single parameter – Health.