Layouts Releases

Hack100 Release 0.04

Here’s Release 0.04 of Hack100. This now includes the most recent content relating to Powers.

I’ve also been experimenting with different layouts. I call this one the “Classic Paperback”, which is intended to capture the aesthetic of 1980s games such as Maelstrom, Fighting Fantasy and Dragon Warriors.


Hack100 Rules Summary

In Release 0.03 of Hack100, I removed the rules summaries from the end of each chapter and collated them into a single document. I figured this would be more useful as a quick reference during play. Here’s a link to the new summary document:


Hack100 – Release 0.03

It’s been a little while since the last release, but here’s the latest version of the Hack100 rules.

This includes two new Chapters – “Combat” and “Health” – based on recent blog posts, as well as some general tidying-up.


Hack100 – Release 0.02

Here’s Release 0.02 of Hack100. It includes a new chapter on “Task Resolution” based on the most recent blog posts.

If anyone has any comments, questions or suggestions, or spots any typos, then feedback would be most welcome.


Hack100 – Release 0.01

As a summary of all of the blog posts to date, here is a draft of the first two chapters of the Hack100 rulebook, covering a general introduction and character creation.

If anyone has any comments, questions or suggestions, or spots any typos, then feedback would be most welcome.